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            2019年南中國海年會(huì )第二輪會(huì )議通知

            文章來(lái)源:深海科學(xué)研究部/海洋環(huán)流觀(guān)測與數值模擬研究室  |  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-08-12  |  【打印】 【關(guān)閉


              2019年南中國海年會(huì )第二輪會(huì )議通知 



              一、會(huì )議簡(jiǎn)介 

              2019年南中國海年會(huì )”將于20191023-25日在中國海南三亞舉行,本次會(huì )議由中國科學(xué)院深海科學(xué)與工程研究所和中國海洋學(xué)會(huì )共同主辦。 

              南中國海年會(huì )系列會(huì )議已成功舉辦了5次,分別由廈門(mén)大學(xué)、廣東海洋大學(xué)、香港中文大學(xué)、自然資源部第一海洋研究所和河海大學(xué)主辦。本次會(huì )議是該系列會(huì )議的第6次會(huì )議,將圍繞南海中尺度/次中尺度過(guò)程、深海環(huán)流、海洋環(huán)境變化等主題開(kāi)展學(xué)術(shù)交流,會(huì )議提供口頭報告和墻報兩種展示形式。 

              二、會(huì )議主題 








              8)海洋學(xué)創(chuàng )新理論和方法 


              會(huì )議參加人員須提交會(huì )議摘要,摘要包括題目、作者、單位和主要研究?jì)热荩謹翟?span>200-300字之間(中文或英文)。如參加人員需要會(huì )議邀請函辦理簽證事宜,請及時(shí)聯(lián)系會(huì )務(wù)組工作人員。 


              摘要提交至會(huì )務(wù)組郵箱:scsworkshop2019@163.com 

              四、會(huì )議注冊: 

              要求:每篇摘要至少要求一位作者提交會(huì )議注冊 

              會(huì )議注冊時(shí)間:20191023 

              會(huì )議注冊費:1200人民幣元/人(學(xué)生600人民幣元/人),支付方式為現金或信用卡 

              五、會(huì )議專(zhuān)刊 

              如本次會(huì )議征集到一定數量學(xué)術(shù)論文,將擬在SCI期刊刊出一期會(huì )議專(zhuān)刊 

              六、會(huì )議地點(diǎn) 

              海南省三亞市吉陽(yáng)區鹿回頭路28號中國科學(xué)院深海科學(xué)與工程研究所綜合樓10樓會(huì )議大廳 



              中國海洋學(xué)會(huì ) 

              八、會(huì )議組委會(huì ) 

              會(huì )議召集人: 

              徐洪周 研究員  中國科學(xué)院深海科學(xué)與工程研究所 

                強 研究員  中國科學(xué)院深海科學(xué)與工程研究所 

              鄭全安 教授    美國馬里蘭大學(xué) 

              胡建宇 教授    廈門(mén)大學(xué) 

              林明森 研究員  國家衛星海洋應用中心 

              齊義泉 教授    河海大學(xué) 

              組委會(huì )秘書(shū)長(cháng): 

              謝玲玲 教授    廣東海洋大學(xué) 

              九、會(huì )務(wù)秘書(shū)組 

                E-mail: wsong@idsse.ac.cnTelephone:0898-88380201  

              劉素敏:E-mail: liusumin@idsse.ac.cnTelephone: 0898-88353871 

                琉:E-mail: yuliu@idsse.ac.cnTelephone: 0898-88380215  


              South China Sea Annual Meeting 2019 

              October 23-25, 2019 

              Sanya, China 

              (Second Announcement) 


              This is the second call for abstract submission to the “South China Sea Annual Meeting 2019 (SCSAM-2019)” that will be held on October 23th-25th, 2019 in Sanya, China. The series of the annual workshop focusing on the themes of “Mesoscale Processes and Deep Circulation in the South China Sea (SCS)” has been successfully held for 5 times, sponsored by Xiamen University, Guangdong Ocean University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, First Institute of Oceanography (Ministry of Natural Resources), and Hohai University, respectively. This will be the 6th international workshop of the series, organized by Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS), and will provide an opportunity for exchanging and sharing ideas and recent progresses on the mesoscale/submesoscale processes, deep circulation and environment conditions in the South China Sea. 


              Themes and topics 

              (1) In situ observation of mesoscale/submesoscale processes in the SCS   

              (2) Air-sea flux and upper layer ocean mixing in the SCS 

              (3) High frequency variability in the SCS 

              (4) Multi-scale variability of inter-ocean water exchange and heat/salt budget 

              (5) Deep water circulation in the SCS 

              (6) Numerical simulation of the mesoscale processes and deep circulation in the SCS 

              (7) Environmental oceanography of the SCS 

              (8) Innovative theories and methodology applied to the ocean 


              This workshop will have oral and poster presentation sessions based on the subjects and numbers of abstracts to be accepted. 



              An abstract is requested for participation to the workshop. The abstract of 200-300 words should include the title, author list, affiliations, and key points of your work. If an official invitation letter for applying visa for travelling to China is requested, please specially notify the Local Organizing Committee in the cover letter as early as possible. 


              Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission 

              September 15, 2019 (by 11:59 pm, Beijing Time). 

              Please submit abstracts by email: 




              At least one author per paper must register by October 23, 2019. 

              Registration fee: 1200 RMB for regular registration and 600 RMB for student registration. Please pay the registration fee by cash or credit card. 


              Special Issue 

              A special issue in a peer-reviewed and SCI-indexed journal is planned for publication after the workshop, if enough papers will be collected. 


              Workshop Location: 

              Comprehensive Building, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Sanya 

              #28 Luhuitou Road, Sanya, Hainan, China 


              Sponsored by 

              Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS 

              Chinese Society for Oceanography 



              Dr. Hongzhou Xu, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, China 

              Dr. Qiang Xie, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, China 

              Dr. Quanan Zheng, University of Maryland, College Park, USA 

              Dr. Jianyu Hu, Xiamen University, China 

              Dr. Mingsen Lin, National Satellite Ocean Application Service, China 

              Dr. Yiquan Qi, Hohai University, China 



              Dr. Lingling Xie, Guangdong Ocean University, China 


              Local Organizing Committee 

              Dr. Wei Song 

              E-mail: wsong@idsse.ac.cn 


              Ms. Sumin Liu 

              E-mail: liusumin@idsse.ac.cn 

              Telephone: 0898-88353871 

              Mr. Liu Yu 

              E-mail: yuliu@idsse.ac.cn 

              Telephone: 0898-88380215  

            Copyright?中國科學(xué)院深海科學(xué)與工程研究所 備案證號:瓊ICP備13001552號-1   瓊公網(wǎng)安備 46020102000014號
            地址: 三亞市鹿回頭路28號 郵編:572000 網(wǎng)站維護:深海所辦公室   郵箱:office@idsse.ac.cn